Your Computer is At Risk

Scammers have finally found a way to have you call them...

Scammers have been utilizing malicious code in normal everyday advertisements to trigger pop-ups that are difficult to get out of and prompt you to call the scam-artist. This method of attack is called Malvertising.

Below is an example of a real malvertisement pop-up. 

The pop-ups can say anything and it may look different, but they all have one thing in common. They want to scare you into calling them. At this point in the scam they know nothing about you. You still have the opportunity to get out of this malicious pop-up.

Here's one way to get around the malicious pop-up:

If however this did not work to remove the pop-up or you've called the number on your screen and gave the scammer access to your computer then you'll need to turn off the machine and call a computer expert to help.

While you have many local computer repair companies near you, I hope you choose me to help!