Why Is My Computer Slow?

There are many reasons a computer can become slow... and incredibly frustrating! 

Here are some of the most common causes to help you determine what actions might be needed to speed up your machine.

Not enough or slow RAM

If your computer doesn't have enough RAM to handle the programs and processes you're running, it will resort to using slower storage devices like hard drives for temporary data storage, leading to a slowdown. 

Slow or overloaded CPU

If the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is constantly running at or near its maximum capacity to handle tasks, the computer will become slow. This can occur due to running resource-intensive programs, running too many programs simultaneously, or having malware consuming CPU resources. 

Full Storage

A full or fragmented hard drive or Solid State Drive (SSD) can slow down your computer. When your storage drive is full or fragmented, it takes longer to read and write data, impacting overall performance. 


Malicious software can infect your computer and consume system resources, leading to a noticeable slowdown. This includes viruses, spyware, adware, and other types of malware. 

Background Processes

Many programs and services run in the background, even when you're not actively using them. These background processes can consume CPU and memory resources, affecting system performance. 

Outdated Hardware

Older hardware may struggle to keep up with the demands of modern software and operating systems. Upgrading components like the CPU, RAM, or Storage can drasticly improve speeds.

Outdated Software

Running outdated or incompatible software can lead to performance issues. Updates often include bug fixes and optimizations that can improve speed and stability. 

Driver Issues

Outdated or incompatible device drivers can lead to hardware-related performance problems. Updating drivers for your hardware components (graphics card, network card, etc.) can help resolve these issues. 


Computers generate heat when in use, and if the cooling system is insufficient or blocked by dust and debris, it can cause the CPU or GPU to throttle performance to prevent overheating.

Lack of Maintenance

Over time, a computer can become slow due to cluttered files, a bloated registry, and accumulated junk data. Regular maintenance tasks like disk cleanup, defragmentation (for hard drives), and system optimization can help alleviate these issues. 

Network Issues

If your computer relies heavily on network resources (e.g., for web browsing or online gaming), a slow or unstable internet connection can make it seem like the computer itself is slow. 

Running Too Many Programs

Running multiple resource-intensive applications simultaneously can overwhelm your computer's resources and lead to a slowdown. Closing unnecessary programs can help. 

Operating System Issues

Corrupted system files or a problematic operating system installation can cause performance problems. Repairing or reinstalling the operating system may be necessary in such cases. 

Now that you have an idea of why your computer might be slow, you'll have an idea on how to fix it.

If you need expert help to improve or fix your computer, a professional is only a phone call away.